It has been shown in research that people who record what they eat in a journal (or other medium) lose more weight than those who don't. It helps u to be conscious of what u r putting in your mouth, and may help u to resist things u know u shouldn't be eating because u don't want to record it in your journal.
Journal writing helps u to process what is going in your life, it can help u get through traumatic events and stressful situations. Pouring out your anxieties and worries on paper helps you to overcome the feelings and move through them. You can write a vision of what u would like your life to be, it can be your prayer to God.
Cancer patients who journal and meet in support groups do better than those who don't.
Writing a journal can help you no matter what stage of life you are in.
Tomorrow I'll tell you what kinds of things you can write in your journal to help make you feel happier.