Try watching this video and try the tapping. Did it help you feel better?
There is a stomach bug going around, giving diarrhea and "bad feelings".
If you get it, remember to drink lots of fluids, like pedialyte and gatorade, and to eat starchy foods, with nothing greasy or spicy. You can try the BRATTY diet: Bananas Rice Apples / Applesauce Toast Tea Yogurt. Please see your doctor if you have severe abdominal pain, high fever, blood in your stool or frequent vomiting and you can't keep down anything. Otherwise, it should pass in a few days. You can take tylenol for pain and peptobismol or imodium to help with the diarrhea. There is a stomach bug going around, giving diarrhea and "bad feelings".
If you get it, remember to drink lots of fluids, like pedialyte and gatorade, and to eat starchy foods, with nothing greasy or spicy. You can try the BRATTY diet: Bananas Rice Apples / Applesauce Toast Tea Yogurt. Please see your doctor if you have severe abdominal pain, high fever, blood in your stool or frequent vomiting and you can't keep down anything. Otherwise, it should pass in a few days. You can take tylenol for pain and peptobismol or imodium to help with the diarrhea. I have seen a few patients with Chicken pox today.
The incubation period is about 2 weeks, so if you are going to get it, it will happen about 2 weeks after you have been exposed to it. Unfortunately chicken pox is contagious before the rash appears so you can catch it from someone before they even know that they have it. It sometimes starts with fever and malaise, and then a few days later the rash appears. It is a generalised rash with fluid filled vesicles that eventually crust over. You are contagious until all the bumps are dried up, so please don't go to work or school until then. You can take tylenol or motrin for the pain and fever and histal or benadryl for the itching. You can bathe as usual and use calamine or caladryl for the itching. Bathing with tamarind or sage leaves is said to help. There is an anti-viral medication that your doctor can give you to help make the episode less severe if it is given in the first few days of the rash appearing, but you will still get better if you don't take the medication. There is a bad cold going around.
Remember that colds are caused by viruses and so most of the time you shouldn't need antibiotics. See your doctor if you have a high fever or fever for more that two days, a bad cough with shortness of breath or chest pain or you feel extremely ill. It's best to stay home if you are coughing, you don't want to infect your coworkers or fellow students. Remember to cough or sneeze into your elbow to decrease the chances of spreading germs on your hands. Wash your hands often with soap and water and try to keep your hands from your face to decrease the chances of catching a cold from someone else. Have a great day! |
Dr. Elsa WilsonGeneral Practice Physician and Life Coach. Archives
April 2020