1. Write about things or people you are grateful for. Some people (including myself) have gratitude journals where we only write about what we are grateful for: great things that have happened, great circumstances and people. This helps to remind u that there are things that are going well in your life and helps you focus on the positive.
2. Write about the most wonderful experiences in your life. Describe the event and how u felt. This helps you to recapture the great feelings of those times.
3. Write about what you would like your ideal future to be like. Imagine that u have worked hard and have achieved all your goals and ambitions. Your dreams have come true. This helps to refocus you on your goals and gives you vision and hope for the future.
4. Thinks about someone important in your life and pretend it's your only opportunity to express to them how much you appreciate them. Write a note to them in your journal. If u want to give them the note... even better!
5. Think back over the past week and write 3 things that have gone really well for u. The events can be major - a promotion or new job, or trivial - like finding a parking space. Write about why u think each event went so well.
Writing about these things will help to focus you on the positive things in life, help you to re-experience the joys of the good things, recapture the love u feel for the special people in your life, give you hope for the future and put a smile on your face. Try it, u may like it!