The cold and flu are caused by viruses. This means that antibiotics are not helpful most of the time. Please don't try to persuade your doctor to give you antibiotics if he/she doesn't think they are necessary. You should get better in about a week, no matter what medications you take. Drink lots of fluids and get some rest. You can take over the counter medications for pain and fever, like Tylenol or Motrin, increase your fluid intake, and gargle with salt water if you have a sore throat.
Stay home if you are coughing so you don't infect your classmates or coworkers. When you cough, cough into the inside of your elbow, so that you can keep your hands germ free.
You may need antibiotics if you can see white stuff on your tonsils, if you have swollen painful neck glands, a high fever, a fever that lasts more than 2 days, a very bad cough with chest pain and/or shortness of breath, if you feel and look absolutely awful, if you are immunosuppressed for some other reason, or if it's your child that is sick and they are very young. Please see your doctor in these cases.
Come see me at the clinic if you are not feeling well or you need a check up. Call 327-6407 for an appointment or walk right in.
Love yourself, take care of your health!