Don't overeat. Decrease the size of portions at meal times, or try eating four to five small meals instead of three large ones.
To avoid heartburn:
Don't overeat. Decrease the size of portions at meal times, or try eating four to five small meals instead of three large ones.
To avoid heartburn - Avoid heartburn triggers. Stay away from foods and beverages that trigger your heartburn symptoms:
Alcohol Carbonated beverages Chocolate Citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons Coffee or tea (regular or decaffeinated) Fatty or fried foods Foods containing tomato, such as spaghetti sauce, salsa, or pizza Garlic and onions Mint Spicy foods, such as those containing chili or curry Here are some other ways to cut down on your heart burn or acid reflux:
Acid reflux, heartburn or GERD is quite common in our population. Common symptoms are burning or discomfort that can move up from the stomach to the chest and even into the throat. You may experience a sour taste in your mouth or a sensation of acid or stomach contents coming up into your mouth or throat. Some people may experience burping, nausea after eating, or stomach fullness or bloating. Try to stay away from foods and beverages that trigger your heartburn symptoms:
• Alcohol • Carbonated beverages • Chocolate • Citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons • Coffee or tea (regular or decaffeinated) • Fatty or fried foods • Foods containing tomato, such as spaghetti sauce, salsa, or pizza • Garlic and onions • Mint • Spicy foods, such as those containing chili or curry Try to avoid taking aspirin and ibuprofen. I will talk about some other steps you can take to avoid acid reflux tomorrow. You can find lots more information at WebMD Come see me at the clinic if you need a check up. Love yourself, take care of your health! |
Dr. Elsa WilsonGeneral Practice Physician and Life Coach. Archives
April 2020