Don't overeat. Decrease the size of portions at meal times, or try eating four to five small meals instead of three large ones.
To avoid heartburn:
Don't overeat. Decrease the size of portions at meal times, or try eating four to five small meals instead of three large ones.
To avoid heartburn - Avoid heartburn triggers. Stay away from foods and beverages that trigger your heartburn symptoms:
Alcohol Carbonated beverages Chocolate Citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons Coffee or tea (regular or decaffeinated) Fatty or fried foods Foods containing tomato, such as spaghetti sauce, salsa, or pizza Garlic and onions Mint Spicy foods, such as those containing chili or curry Don't go to bed with a full stomach. Eat meals at least two to three hours before lying down. This will give food time to digest and empty from your stomach, and acid levels a chance to decrease before putting your body in a position where heartburn is more likely to occur. Don’t snack close to bedtime or lie down right after a meal.
Gas and bloating can be caused by many different things. Lactose intolerance can cause it, as discussed yesterday. Constipation can cause it, so if your stools are hard and infrequent, you should drink more water and eat more fiber - that means fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Exercise also helps to get things moving.
Gas can result if you swallow air while eating, so eat slowly, chew thoroughly, avoid chewing gum, and stay calm. Keep a food diary to see if your symptoms are caused by certain foods. Some common offenders are: Vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, peas, beans and other legumes, fruits such as apricots, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, prunes, and raw apples, wheat and wheat bran, eggs, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, beer, and red wine, fried and fatty foods, sugar and sugar substitutes. That list seems to include almost everything, so that's why a food diary is helpful to figure out exactly which food is causing your problem. Overeating can also cause bloating, so eat in moderation. If your abdominal pain is severe, if you can't touch your tummy because it is too tender, if you are vomiting or passing blood in your stool, please see your doctor. Come see me at the clinic if you need a check up. Love yourself, take care of your health! |
Dr. Elsa WilsonGeneral Practice Physician and Life Coach. Archives
April 2020